The globe comprises of a very large size of distance coverage, that even with a sophisticated and a high techs aircraft, human normally used to spend several hours or days to travel from country to another that are located far distance from each other. Imagined human being lives without any technological advancement that could allow us to send a message from one location to another within a very short period of time, similar to that of Internet.

With the invention of Internet, we can be able to executes and run most of the tasks within the comfort of our zone, such as watching of news, shopping online, or booking for an appointment with a doctor. Internet has enabled us to carry out communications and shares resources around the world, wherever we found ourselves as long as there is Internet network within that location. Internet also makes our lives much easier and simpler!

internet interconnection

Internet Logo

Introduction And Definition of Internet

The Internet is a vast collection of computer networks which form and act as a single huge network for transport of data and messages across distances which can be anywhere, from the same office to anywhere around the globe.

The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet, it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more. The evolution of the internet has literally changed the course of history - the ease and speed with which information can be shared globally.

On 24 of October 1995, the Federal Networking Council (FNC) defined Internet as the global information system that:

  • is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons
  • is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols, and
  • provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein.

How Internet Work?

At this point you may be wondering, how does the Internet work? The exact answer is pretty complicated and would take a while to explain. Instead, let's look at some of the most important things you should know. It's important to realize that the Internet is a global network of physical cables, which can include copper telephone wires, TV cables, and fiber optic cables. Even the wireless connections like Wi-Fi and 4G/5G rely on these physical cables to access the Internet.

When you visit a website, your computing device sends a request over these wires to a server; A server is a computer machine where websites and related information are stored. Once the request arrives at the server machine, the server retrieves the website and sends the correct data and information back to your computer as a client computer.

The web browser app available in the client computer then handles back the result of the request made in form of information that comprises of texts, images, audio, or videos and display it on the screen of that client computer. What's amazing is that all this happens within a fraction of seconds! This is just the brief explanation on how the Internet works. Mind you, there are other several services running on Internet apart from the web. But all used similar analogy to send and receive information.

World Wide Web (WWW) – WEB

The World Wide Web - commonly referred to as WWW, W3, or the Web, is an interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the Internet. Internet and World Wide Web are two different words with different meanings: Internet is a global network of networks, while web is one of the several services built on top of the Internet, guides and implemented by http protocol.

The Web today consists of several components, the most basics components include:

  • HTTP:
     The protocol that governs data transfer between a server computer machine and client computer. This protocol laid the foundation for the transportation of data between the Web server hosting computer and how the data is been presented or displayed on the user browser.
  • URL:
    To access a Web component, a client supplies a unique universal identifier, called a URL (uniform resource location) or URI (uniform resource identifier), formally called Universal Document Identifier (UDI).
    Think of URL as the address that uniquely identify your apartment in your house, your house in your street, your street in your city, your city in your state/province, and your state/province in your country with each portion of the URL as different parts of the address, and each giving your different information.
  • Hyperlink:
    Also called a link, is the term used to define the process of linking or connecting resources on a web. It’s the defining concept of the Web, aiding its identity as a collection of connected documents.
    Links don't always necessarily go to another website. In some cases, they also allow for a download of file. When you click a link for this, the file will be downloaded to your device. As you can see, links are very important part of using the Web. They allow us to navigate between different webpages, download files, and do a whole lot more.
  • HTML:
     It stands for hypertext markup language. It is the language used to design the webpage and website. It’s the most common format for publishing web documents on the Internet.
    web logo

    Web Logo

  • Most number of percentage of data and information on the Internet today are being served from the web services. However, some of the data on the web are not publicly accessible, such data that are not accessible by the public are being served by a type of website called Deep web.

    You can continue by reading the next article on HISTORY OF INTERNET.

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